Alive Verify

New verification tool for merchant partners that enables electronic verification of ISIC/ITIC/AliveID cardholders at the point of sale.

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What is Alive Verify?

Alive Verify comes in 2 forms:

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Mobile app for iOS and Android
The mobile app allows merchant staff to scan a digital QR code or input a card number.

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Web-based desktop app
The desktop app allows merchant staff to input card number only.

Your staff simply scan the digital QR code or input the card number from the physical card.
It’s done in a matter of seconds.

Main benefits

  • Secure verification tool that prevents fraud at point of sale​

  • Instant verification of cardholder based on discount parameters​

  • Easy to use for staff​

  • Doesn’t require any additional integration into existing systems

  • Works with all smartphones and web browsers

  • Provides basic transactional data from your retail locations​

Alive Verify can check these types of cards

Digital ISIC card

ISIC Digital

Digital AliveID

AliveID Digital

ISIC, ITIC and IYTC physical cards

Alive Verify desktop browser app

If you have access to a web browser on your POS, you’ll be able to access the Alive Verify business dashboard and verify cardholders.


  • Login using the username and password that is provided via email

  • To verify cardholders
    - Click on ‘Verify by card number’
    - Enter the cardholder’s ISIC or AliveID number, e.g.222555
    - Choose offer type

  • Press on ‘Confirm Purchase’. A pop-up notification will bedisplayed confirming the transaction was successful

  • In case the cardholder is not verified or is not eligible for the discount the offers and the reason why will be displayed

Open the web app
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Phone screen - sign in

Alive Verify mobile app


  • Login using the username and password that is provided via email

  • Cardholders can be verified by scanning their QR code or by entering the cardholder’s ISIC or AliveID

  • To verify cardholders
    - Click on ‘Verify by card number’ or Scan AliveID on the cardholder‘s digital card
    - Enter the cardholder’s ISIC or AliveID number e.g. 222555
    - Choose offer type

  • Press on ‘Confirm Purchase’. A pop-up notification will be displayed confirming the transaction was successful

  • In case the cardholder is not verified or is not eligible for the discount the offers and the reason why will be displayed

Get it on Google play Download on the app store

Do you have any questions?
Please contact us.